Saturday 1 May 2010

Led Zeppelin - Mothership remastered (2007)

There are many albums, songs and artists who regularly shout, "Do you remember me?" None, there are none who shout louder than living rock legend Led Zeppelin.

The album 'Mothership' is one of the bands most remembered legacy that not only ensnares the older generation of the 1970s but also today's younger and 'music illiterate' youth. For those who have not heard the music on this album, it is one to be rediscovered if not because I told you to then because it is for the chilling vibes that radiate from this rocking, hard hitting and experimental two CD pack.

Can you really handle this?

Led Zeppelin is apart of the rock genre known as Experimental, Progressive Rock music that incorporates new and impressive ways of playing electrical instruments beyond that of the average guitar hero.

There are always the songs that we grew up to. Ones that we forget as we grow up and find our own tastes and then for some unknown reason we choose songs that our parents heard. Remember the songs Kashmir, Stairway to Heaven and Black Dog? No? Then you have been living too deep beneath the waves of Pop culture.

Go back to the beginning, before pop and more so into the surging waves of rock and roll. Let yourself be moved by imploding drum beats, radical electric guitar solos and, lyrics and vocals that sound into the depths of your soul. The music you hear is a type of higher calling. This particular album covers his most fantastic and greater works that we have heard. Driving beats, swerving melodic contours and dipping pitches that fluctuate all over the lyrics are something unheard of and uncopied by other bands.

This album is the true herald of rock 'n' roll and will be for years to come.

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