Tuesday 4 May 2010

Eminem - The Eminem Show (2002)

One of the few brave white souls in America that successfully created "black rap" music that white Americans could be proud of Eminem created the hit that was the best selling album in 2002.

A controversial album dealing with a wide variety of problems, for example family and political issues, that can be seen explicitly in tracks like Cleanin out my closet and White America, where he vents his anger at his mother in the first track and his thoughts about the US government in the second track.

Despite the large amount of profanities and derogatory language the album sold alarmingly well, over a million copies in its first week of sale. Similar in my review about 50 Cent's The Massacre both albums did extremely well, despite treating a gender as a commodity. Seems like today's youth in the most powerful country in the world enjoy this foul language rap music instead of more peaceful and intelligent types of music.

Sad in this reviewer's opinion modern audiences have taken a trend towards this genre of music, which is claimed to be destroying today's youth, encouraging drug usage and killing as what the "cool kids do", some role models these rappers aspired to be. This album is an oldy but goldy for rap fans, but parents if you wish your kids to finish school and maybe go to college to get a degree, turn your heads elsewhere.

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