Saturday 24 April 2010

Music, The Religious Muse

The time has come to introduce a new concept to our blog. From today on, every two weeks: our observations about the music world in all its glory and facets.

Most people don't realise the presence of music in everyday life and the impact it has. We could almost say it is similar to how much machinery has become integrated in our lives. Could you imagine the world without computers, phones or even a microwave? Music is the driving beat, the harmonious melodies of our selves performed on God's dance floor. It has become so integrated in our daily process that if it were to disappear it would be similar to a clock missing a cog.

The clock would cease to tick. Time would slowly begin to be incomprehensible and our daily routine would disintegrate as our own conception of what structure and time is fails.

It has been put forward that in our modern contemporary society that consumerism is the new religion, one to rival the religions of old. If so, is it so hard to believe that music is the new religion? A chorus of instruments and the rising inspirational stars who play them are put on a high pedestal for the masses of youths to worship.Does anyone recall the impact the Beatles had when they came to Australia? The masses gather to those who praise and answer to the call that is music.

How about the celebrities of our world? Are they truly that much higher than the rest of us? They are the select few who are praised, worshipped on bent knees and followed by a greater number of heralds than anyone else can remember. Can one remember a world without Led Zeppelin, the Beatles or even Britney Spears?

Hark to the call of music. Rejoice! The saviours of our modern lives have come!

Praise! Consume!

But, inevitably, at some point we will all have to ask ourselves the question:

Do we control the music or does the music control us?

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